    Ib (일본어판)

      A 2D exploration adventure game set in a creepy, mysterious art gallery. Inspect the area around you, discovering items and disarming traps to find your way out of the strange gallery.


      A young girl named Ib visits an art gallery with her parents. While perusing the various works of art, Ib suddenly realizes that she is alone. As she searches for someone – anyone – else, the museum begins to change.


      - A mysterious adventure set it an art gallery full of puzzles to solve

      - Pieces of artwork beautifully crafted in pixel art

      - Basic controls consist of movement and an interact (speak) button, enjoyable by players of all levels

      - Seven different endings to unlock based on player actions and choices

      - Upon completion you will be rewarded with the True Guertena exhibit where you can collect the artwork found throughout the game and be able to visit an extra dungeon that you couldn’t access in your first playthrough

      - This game is a remake of the 2D exploration-adventure title Ib, set in a creepy, mysterious art gallery and originally released in February 2012

      - Virtually all of the graphics have been updated, with many upgraded and additional effects as well

      - Significantly improved screen resolution and graphics allow players to experience a classic in a whole new light

      - Brand new graphics for maps, characters, and stills

      - Addition of all-new and redesigned pieces of artwork

      - Further improvements upon the original concept of making the game enjoyable for

      - Players of all level through optimizations to the many puzzles in-game

      - Brand new puzzles, effects, and tricks that were not present in the original

      - Addition of “Zoom Mode” for improved visibility, allowing players to spot small items more easily and view the many pieces of artwork in greater detail

      - New “conversation system” allows companions to offer hints and engage in conversation

      - Brand new BGM composed specifically for the remake


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    • Ib (일본어판)
    • A 2D exploration adventure game set in a creepy, mysterious art gallery. Inspect the area around you, discovering items and disarming traps to find your way out of the strange gallery.
    • 35,000원
      33,000원 구매 가능!
      2,000원 할인쿠폰 이벤트 중! ()
      • 상품유형
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      • 무료배송 (해외배송)
      • 플랫폼
      • SWITCH
      • 장르
      • 어드벤처
      • 배급및 유통사
      • PLAYISM
      • 출시일
      • 2023-03-09
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      • Playasia
      • 031-570-2942
      • Playasia
      • 031-570-2942
        Playasia was established in 2002 and is the leading independent retailer, providing outstanding customer experience, a large variety of genuine products and global fulfillment. Check us out at www.playasia.com
      • 이름 :
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      • Ib (일본어판)
    • 주소 : 경기도 남양주시 순화궁로 249, 별내역 파라곤스퀘어 M동 1401호(별내동)
    • 고객지원 : 평일 10:00 ~ 18:00 (주말 및 공휴일 휴무)
    • 통신판매업 신고 : 2023-별내-0848
    • 개인정보관리책임자 : 박무겸(mpark@digilab.kr)
    • Copyright © DIGILAB Crop. All rights reserved.

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