    아머드코어 6: 루비콘의 화염 한정판(일본어판)

      In ARMORED CORE VI FIRES OF RUBICON, players will assemble and pilot their own mech with 3D maneuverability to move freely through three-dimensional fast-paced missions. Take on difficult challenges and overwhelm your enemies with dynamic movements that make full use of ranged and melee combat. Players can enjoy a variety of actions that can only be truly realized with mechs.


      - Dynamic, Fast-Paced Mech Action - In ARMORED CORE VI FIRES OF RUBICON, players will assemble and pilot their own mech with 3D maneuverability to move freely through three dimensional fast-paced missions. Take on difficult challenges and overwhelm your enemies with dynamic movements that make full use of ranged and melee combat. Players can enjoy a variety of actions that can only be truly realized with mechs

      - Almost half a century later… The same substance resurfaced on Rubicon 3, a planet now contaminated and sealed off by the catastrophe. Extra-terrestrial corporations and resistance groups fight over control of the substance

      -  A struggle over the substance - The player infiltrates Rubicon as an independent mercenary and finds themself in a struggle over the substance with the corporations and other factions


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    • 아머드코어 6: 루비콘의 화염 한정판(일본어판)
    • In ARMORED CORE VI FIRES OF RUBICON, players will assemble and pilot their own mech with 3D maneuverability to move freely through three-dimensional fast-paced missions.
    • 410,000원
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      • 2023-08-25
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      • 아머드코어 6: 루비콘의 화염 한정판(일본어판)
    • 주소 : 경기도 남양주시 순화궁로 249, 별내역 파라곤스퀘어 M동 1401호(별내동)
    • 고객지원 : 평일 10:00 ~ 18:00 (주말 및 공휴일 휴무)
    • 통신판매업 신고 : 2023-별내-0848
    • 개인정보관리책임자 : 박무겸(mpark@digilab.kr)
    • Copyright © DIGILAB Crop. All rights reserved.

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